This blog is biased towards-
Unkempt trails
Rides with unscheduled appreciation breaks
dinner with 4 people or less
contemporary, experimental fiction
Rap music
brown rice
GMC Safaris
Apricot Poodie-cocks
Cats without tails
tiny trailers
black coffee
Scofflaws (What up Rev!)
good conversation
managed risk
barbed wire
the other side of the coin
tin-can knights
weekday warriors
the wide open day before me
-and Barack Obama.
I can’t agree to disagree. Get it right America.
Is GM letting Dodge make those things now? I’m with you on O-Slamma-Jamma, but I’ll reserve judgment for now on Biden ’16.
Hey man. That’s my party too.
Go Obama!
Did you say Poodie-Cock?
Oh yes I did Old Bag, a very prestigious breed.
He meant GMC, hitops. He’s just not a car guy, and he’s tired from having Obama’s back these past months. He got it right on everything else, tho, especially the poodie-cock which has me ROFL. 😉
I wish Obama was a BRC reader because he would love this post. I’m going to send it to him. He’s in my address book, I’m sure!
I only scoff at the senseless ones. Whoa!hey!
I’m glad your boy took this. He’s better than the other one.