I went to bed so early and slept so deeply that I think I woke up far in the future. Am I wrong or is that a hovercraft jam outside this morning? Whatever happened to that war in Iraq? Is it over yet? Did Britney make a magnificent comeback? Please help me, I would like to rejoin your futurisitic society.
After I treat these bed sores I am going to be feeling like a hundred bucks, and that is the way you want to roll into a combined Friday/payday. Rested and Ready.
It should go without saying that I stand prepared to disappoint my fellow golfers, although as the champ I think it only fair that I take some control over who gets their title shot, and when.
Aside from that I will be riding one of my bicycles some respectable distance if for nothing other than to justify the existence of this lil’ ole blog and all it stands for.
S’quatch dropped some big news on me the other night. He is planning a 3 day, 325 mile ride from his parents home in Palmetto to his own home in Tallahassee.
Notable issues:
He will be on a cruise the week prior to the event.
He has never ridden 100 miles in a day.
His bike will have to remain mechanically sound the entire time.
I’m not going to be there.
This is big folks, and he is going to need all of our help if he is to succeed. Let’s open up the advice faucet and get the good news flowing, OK?
Now I have to go price a timeshare on the Moon.