“Oooooo” I think, “That right there is bad. I better click on that.” Or maybe, “I don’t agree with that, I think I will withhold from them my click.” Please, anything but make me get up out of chair and give someone else’s cause some time out of my meat life. Meat Life is precious and I ain’t wasting any of it for anybody else’s cause unless I’m going to get in a picture throwing some peace signs with some kids, hey put that hungry dirty one over here by me. Yeah, that’s it, snap that shit. Post it. Show me some love internet, I am one handsome and altruistic son of a bitch. Go Noles.
Lost and homeless dogs and cats, lost and homeless human beings, American children shot dead in American streets, Palestinian children shot dead in occupied streets, meanwhile the planet just keeps cooking on a slow boil, and next thing you know we got amphibians turning up in the polar ice and this ain’t news in Tallahassee, because we’ve been globally warmed for quite a while now.
Here’s a fact for you. I can’t provide no evidence, other than my own meat-based factual experience, but it takes about 2 hours to get 30 productive minutes from the average volunteer. All that time, spent on making sure you get your feel good on. Dip in and dip out, high five and sign up for that color run for cancer.
You can tell when someone is truly down for the cause when they put their meat into it. Most of us keep our meat in our chairs, salving our consicence one click at a time.