Meat Life


“Oooooo” I think, “That right there is bad. I better click on that.”  Or maybe, “I don’t agree with that, I think I will withhold from them my click.”  Please, anything but make me get up out of chair and give someone else’s cause some time out of my meat life.  Meat Life is precious and I ain’t wasting any of it for anybody else’s cause unless I’m going to get in a picture throwing some peace signs with some kids, hey put that hungry dirty one over here by me. Yeah, that’s it, snap that shit. Post it. Show me some love internet, I am one handsome and altruistic son of a bitch.  Go Noles.

Lost and homeless dogs and cats, lost and homeless human beings, American children shot dead in American streets, Palestinian children shot dead in occupied streets, meanwhile the planet just keeps cooking on a slow boil, and next thing you know we got amphibians turning up in the polar ice and this ain’t news in Tallahassee,  because we’ve been globally warmed for quite a while now.

Here’s a fact for you.  I can’t provide no evidence, other than my own meat-based factual experience, but it takes about 2 hours to get 30 productive minutes from the average volunteer.  All that time, spent on making sure you get your feel good on.  Dip in and dip out, high five and sign up for that color run for cancer.

You can tell when someone is truly down for the cause when they put their meat into it.  Most of us keep our meat in our chairs, salving our consicence one click at a time.





13 Responses to Meat Life

  1. Ain’t it the truth, Juancho. I finally stopped signing online petitions and began dropping off mailing lists, realizing that if I care enough about something, I’ll do a hell of a lot more than click and make a preprinted letter of protest come up with my name among all of the others who are too lazy to do something real. I can’t claim yet to be changing the world, but at least I no longer feel quite so hyprocritical. Or smug. No smugness for me, no sir.

  2. I’m a liberal; God bless Franklin Roosevelt, because I’m finally drawing Social Security and it’s changed my life for the better. Still: I’ve never gone out on a Greenpeace boat or stood between a harp seal and a sadist with a baseball bat. I haven’t marched in a demonstration in more than 20 years. Doesn’t mean I’d vote for Rand Fucking Paul if he were the last man standing; I’d write-in Juancho first, not even knowing where he stands on the regulation of huge financial institutions.

    Point: If you’re going to be liberal, then be one. Don’t rely on your Move-On clicks; stand up for your shit when, for example, somebody–like happened to me at my store yesterday–pulls some 2nd Amendment bullshit on you. No, I shouldn’t have engaged this dickhead, but I did, and I told him, Don’t come up to me with a loaded AR-15 and expect “excellent customer service.” You’re a poser with an attitude and I don’t fucking dig it, so get out of my face.

    Be liberal and be proud.

    • I’m a liberal and proud of it, but my last stand was marching in D.C. against the stupid and ill-advised Bush war against Iraq–first on a frigid January day, no dropping out to find a bathroom or something to eat–and again the following March when it was a done deal. I also fought my private war against Wells F@#*#iing Fargo for illegal foreclosure proceedings and got a settlement, but I didn’t trouble myself to Occupy Wall Street or any other street. I feel the creep of apathy and like myself less for it. And, yeah, you should have engaged Mr. Dickhead. Not because it will change him but because somebody (lots of somebodies) need to draw their own lines. Way I see it, he was on your turf and got what he had coming to him.

  3. I remember those early 2003 anti-war marches. When the big one happened, CNN ran 20 seconds on the march and 2 minutes on the vandalism.

    I did engage the dude, which I probably shouldn’t have. After all, it’s a store and you don’t want to piss off the customers. But when he looked at all the flag and banners we having hanging frm the ceiling and said we needed a “Don’t tread on me” flag, I took the bait and jumped in. We didn’t come to blows, but a few minutes more and we might have,

  4. I remember those early 2003 anti-war marches. When the big one happened, CNN ran 20 seconds on the march and 2 minutes on the vandalism.

    I did engage the dude, which I probably shouldn’t have. After all, it’s a store and you don’t want to piss off the customers. But when he looked at all the flag and banners we having hanging frm the ceiling and said we needed a “Don’t tread on me” flag, I took the bait and jumped in. We didn’t come to blows, but a few minutes more and we might have, NOT THAT I AM A VIOLENT PERSON. I could see that he was getting worked up and I knew I was, much to my dismay. There are times and places, etc. He did wind up telling me I was crazy to not own a gun and I told him I didn’t want to own a fucking gun. We didn’t have the chance to talk about the gun manufacturers; I doubt he’s thought about that much.

  5. Can’t find a hotter front line than Marion County. That’s pretty much what I’m trying to say. I left the West Coast because the South is my home, and where I want to make my stand.

  6. “Poser with an attitude.” I’m gonna use that one.

    My regular gig is on behalf of the pariah, so I rationalize my way out of most extracurricular commitments. I do feel some enviro-stirrings, though, now that the slow boil has begun.

  7. And just to sort of comment on my own comment (gauche, I know, but forgive me), I wonder what my Gadsden-loving customer would say if I asked him why none of his brothers and sisters were in Ferguson encouraging the residents there to arm themselves against obvious government tyranny.

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