Cheaha ’08

Last night was the first time in weeks that I was able to sleep through the night. I feel like a different person, or rather, an old familiar person I haven’t seen in a while. Somebody kick me in the balls so I know I’m awake.

Many of us are in final preparations for the 17th or 18th annual Cheaha Trip which will be hosted in Tennessee this year near someplace called Ducktown or Chilhowee. It is time to lay my sword of righteousness down and pick up my one true weapon- the fully automatic Titus Racer-X. This year in honor of sweet victory it will read “This machine kills fascists” along the top tube.

I really do not know what to expect from myself when I get a moment alone with my thoughts in the woods. Most likely the locals will be reporting an eerie and other-worldly cry of the North Florida Skunk Ape roaring in their hills.


9 Responses to Cheaha ’08

  1. moment in the woods… long overdue. tell those boys to hoist a beer and toast our man obama. he needs all the love he can get to help heal the wounds…

    meanwhile, i’ll be in san felasco this week…