Monthly Archives: July 2005

Weathering the Storm-

Where is my black turtleneck? Somebody get me a beret. I feel like a distraught dramatist as I ask the world, “Where is my motivation for this role?”

I am full on hating summer. I read some posts from April/ May when I was optimistic about riding to some springs, eating watermelon, the invigorating, cleansing sweat of a good summer ride. Right.

Taco and Sasquatch rode up in a diluvial euphoria, soaked to the bone on their ride to the park. I cracked the window of my truck a millimeter and scowled out at them. “You can’t be serious.”

“Come on dude, it feels great!” “Riding in the rain is fun!” I thought about cranking the engine and driving off, but there I was- Mr. “Never says no”. Mr. Hardcore who goes on every ride, with everybody, all the time, no matter what.” Oh, I dug my own hole for this one, and now it was filling with water.

Out we go, slopping our way out to the lakes, lightening crashing all around us. I barely took notice of it for my misery. Once I’m grumpy, damn it, I STAY grumpy.
We crossed a number of streams, where I slowed down to be sure my bottom bracket had enough time to fill with water. Once we pulled up at the lake, Sasquatch, well- he pulled a Sasquatch and waded into the water, after enlisting our support to watch the perimeter for gators, which I for one, did not bother to do. After fully submerging, helmet, clothes and all, we began to call him “E coli man” and “Ebola virus”. I know. We’re awful. The man is truly relaxed and letting loose, embracing the sloppy, wet day and all he gets is hate for his efforts.

Speaking of hate, I am really not into this summer at all right now.

Feel free to remind me of this when I’m bitching about the cold in January.

el Juancho

Sasquatch sighted!

june 19, 05 Posted by Picasa

There he is folks, the gentle man-beast foraging for nuts and berries to feed his offspring. Some intrepid shutterbug dared to get close enough to acquire this irrefutable evidence that Sasquatch (Sasquatimus 29emus/ bigbendia) still thrives, and apparently wears tie dye.


Disco boys Posted by Picasa

OK, now that the hilarity and drama of yesterday’s ride is behind us, how about that race today?
Like golf, a stage of the Tour can be, well ,boring in the early part of the race, but the finale is worth the investment. A lot of hard, hard men cracked today and it wasn’t pretty.

That Rasmussen fella, he sure is skinny. He’s the waterbug prototype. They should make him carry a watermelon or something to even things out for everyone else. Sure he didn’t win the stage today, but he has been hammering the mountains day in and day out, unlike what’s his face who won the stage today. Hell, Rasmussen didn’t even look like he was paying attention on the way up, just cruising along, thinking about lunch, or that last episode of 6 Feet Under.

Is it all over? Did LA shoot his wad today? Stay tuned to find out.

Juancheloton out.

Pain Mismanagement

pain Posted by Picasa

We were talking about “skins” which is the Palmetto, FL slang for slapping, thumping, or popping your bros for a variety of real and perceived transgressions. Slimy, bonked, and already in a general realm of pain and suffering, I stood inert as S’quatch demonstrated a few of the “oldies but goodies” from his high school days. A bunch of grown men revisiting their violent high school practices might have signaled a red flag, but I was too worn out to care. Besides, this is Sasquatch, bosom buddy, who carries ill will towards no one. I’m still not sure what the intended “skin” was he was demonstrating, but it did not go as planned. Somehow he hooked a finger beneath my jaw bone and snapped my teeth like Flea plucking the bass.

Last week, while out of town, I cracked a tooth on a stone in some black beans (Do you really risne and sort them every time?) It has caused me some pain, but in general I’m fine, just waiting for this week’s dentist appointment to assess the situation.

Of course, S’quatch did not know this.

My teeth clapped together like a rat trap, and a choir of demons immediately launched into an aria of pain. My vision closed to a dark circle, surrounded by a blinding white light. At the end of the tunnel, oddly reminiscent of a gun barrel, stood S’quatch with his back to me, unawares.

My reptilian brain, base and conniving, rifled through the options. I could tackle him. I would catch him off guard, wrest him to the ground, pin his shoulders beneath my knees and then.. then.. well I thought of some options. We don’t call him Sasquatch for nothing. The man is large. He would easily tower over Magnus Backstedt, and you know, Magnus is BIG. Trying to save me, and itself, my frontal lobe injected an image of S’quatch at the gym, pounding the punching dummy with thunderous right hooks that start somewhere across the international date line. OK, there’s that, but PAIN will not be denied. Take him! Now, while his back is turned! Get him!

A voice came from my mouth, “I’m having an irrational response to pain, stay away from me.” Surprised and confused, he immediately moved towards me in a sympathetic gesture.

Now! screamed pain, Tackle him NOW!

Puzzled, and probably a little dismayed at the filth coming from my mouth in his direction, he turned away.

Crush him! Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!

My arm came up. I tried to will it down, but the water bottle was in flight. No big deal, it wasn’t a brick or anything, but it was an escalation in a now absurd scenario. The rest of the gang was caught so flat-footed they were still trying to understand what, if anything, S’quatch had done.

The bottle caught him low around the kidney, and I thought, “Ah shit, now you’ve done it.” The angry italicized voice subsided. I began to consider “Flight” over “Fight” for the first time.

Like Bruce Banner apologizing for turning into the Hulk, while he is in transformation, I stuttered out, “I’m s-s-s-orry, you !#$&! I’ll be fine in a second you ***!!#$, hurt tooth-much pain–%$%&*(%@!

So, if you learn nothing else here at the Big Ring Circus, learn this-

Rinse and sort the black beans every single time.

Check back after lunch, the Tour is on right now…

Thanks for stopping by. I’m watching the Tour at Paco’s. There could be significant developments today so I want to wait to post my entry. I will however get the worst over with.

Everyone whipped my ass at Munson yesterday. Ev-er-y-one. Props to Taco for his 38.15, that’s huge. Apologies to S’quatch, I shouldn’t have thrown my water bottle at you.

The irrepressible Juancho will lick his wounds and come back stronger. I guess I didn’t eat enough. I suppose it could have been the hurricane Dennis bloody marython, nah, couldn’t be that!

Humble Juancho out for now…

Green Visions

It may be a bit of a struggle for me to make the necessary connections between what I feel like writing this morning and the irreverent, bicycle-dominated diatribe we have come to know, if not love, here at the BRC. I want to write about what happened in a tiny country in Eastern Europe 10 years ago, and how it changed everything for some of my closest friends. That doesn’t have much to do with mountain-biking, but I think I see the angles…

It was 1996, one year after the massacre of 7,000 Muslim men and boys in the town of Srebenica, far away in Bosnia. Meanwhile, I was pedaling around Tallahassee on my 1988 Jamis Dakar, yellow with black spots. I guess they were intended to be leopard spots, but in my mind they were “bumblebee spots” even though everyone knows bees don’t have spots. I was back in town, along with the guys you see in this picture, in order to stop the killing in Bosnia. I know, go ahead and laugh, but it’s true. You see, these guys were in Bosnia at the time of the Srebenica massacres. They were humanitarian aid workers, and they were running desperately short on “aid” to say the least. We figured all we had to do was explain the situation to the good people of Tallahassee, and they would rally behind us to save the bosnians. Uh-huh, right.

Soaked with sweat, carrying 500 moist flyers, a variety of photographs depicting the maimed, the abandoned, and the insane victims of war, I made my rounds. I solicited raffle prizes, free catering, printing services, whatever. The basic spiel was, “Me and my friends are raising money to help victims of war in Bosnia, if you don’t give me something for free RIGHT NOW I am going to make you look at these sweaty pictures of horrific, despicable things. People gave. Our former employer at the restaurant, FGF, all of the shops at lake Ella, the Tallahassee Rock Gym, they were used to our crusades, they dutifully ponied up the goods. I am still grateful to the folks who encouraged us, because there were a lot more who discouraged us (Assholes!)
They didn’t want to help muslims. They thought we would keep the money. They didn’t think we had the connections to accomplish anything. I was on a bicycle. I was 25. I didn’t have a job. I had no business cards.

It was the smallest drop in the bucket, but it felt really important at the time.

Now the long-haired one is engaged to the alluring young woman in the photo, a bosnian-muslim herself. All of his effort to assist the Bosnian people has evolved into a mission to enjoy Bosnia, and protect its natural resources. His organization, Green Visions guides outdoor adventure trips, conducts environmental surveys, and publishes many articles about the natural beauty, history, and potential of the country. The other guy lives in Rome, Italy (not Georgia) and works for the United Nations. In 1997, after the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, I finally made it to Bosnia myself. Mountains, jade-green rivers, a land for 4-wheel drive and goats. I met a lot of interesting people, and every one of them was worth the sweat, the frustration, the power getting cut off, the humiliation of begging and being told “NO”.

We may not have done much, but we did something.

I’m going to remember that the next time I see some sweaty young dude on a bike trying to do something good for someone else, even if I think he can’t pull it off.

Boyz in the Hood

You might think this post is going to be some clever play off of the movie, Boyz in the Hood, but it ain’t. I watched the movie last night and I just woke up with “Ooh Child” by the 5 Stairsteps ringing in my head. What a song that is. If that sound doesn’t break you down to nothing on the first note then you are a truly cold-hearted disser of old people, a taunter of children, a worthless misanthrope.

As far as I know, none of the actors got an Oscar or were nominated. The entire cast deserved to get one. Here is one thing upon which I stand firmly. Laurence Fishburne, in his tired old Laurence Fishburne way, never did it better than this movie. Furious Stiles, his best role ever. In fact every other role up to and including “Morpheous” is just his schtick on trying to “get a young brother to understand the deeper complexities of what it is to be a man”.

What am I doing here today, you wonder? Why is he not writing about his stupid bike? His stupid friends? Their stupid blogger “code” names? Well, I’ll tell you.

Hurricane Season.

Hurricane season is back to terrorize others, but to bore Tallahassee to death yet again. Taco gets the “big stick award” for actually calling at 7:45 A:M to try talking me into going out in the slop and the mess. Its not that I wussed out or anything, its about-you know- keeping my drivetrain clean and grit-free.

Today is more of a maintenance and strategy day. After a heavy psi adjustment I will settle in to watch the Tour de France, where another set of BOYZ will roll through an entirely different HOOD, and Lance gets to tell them, “Hey baby, don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

Peace! Juancho


mags Posted by Picasa

I just read that Mr. Backstedt, the Colossal Apostle, took second in today’s stage (7). Robbie McEwen won, but whatever, he weighs 145 lbs. Magnus almost ran his ass down carrying the equivalent of a sack of mulch over his shoulder, and Magnus can kick McEwen’s ass in the mountains. As far as I’m concerned, today was Big Mag’s day.


training is hard sometimes. Posted by Picasa

I pulled this image off the website

This organization describes themselves as a “post apocalyptic mutant bicycle jaunting club” and I think they are swell! Out in Portland, Oregon, where it rains all the time and most everyone is too cool for school, you have to make your own fun. C.H.U.N.K. 666 has certainly accomplished that. Are they clowns? Are they criminals? Shiftless drunks? Yes, most definitely all of the above. Although quite different from the inspiring story of Major Taylor (see post below) I find these idiots to be inspiring as well. I also realize that I am an old fogey who is no longer in the know, but I catch on eventually. Local “bicycle collective” KRANK IT UP is tapped into the same shred of the zeitgeist as CHUNK 666. Revolutionary, socially conscious, substance sampling, frankenbike-builders, they are saving the soul of cycling for me.

We ran into a couple of local “freeriders” who were “hucking” out by the Cadillac trail. The annoying quotes are intended to prompt you to google the unfamiliar should you wish. They were nice guys, on huge bikes, getting big air. They were totally stoked to jump for us, like a couple of eager 12 year-olds jumping off the garage roof with a bedspread cape.

I encouraged them to incorporate tight, stinky, lycra into their image. (Some people have to be told what is cool, jeesh!) They were practicing for a trip up to Sugar Mt., North Carolina, where they apparently intend to kill themselves. Too bad, they were real nice kids.

I think I will drop by Krank it Up and offer my planning services for a “Chunkathlon” and if you don’t know what that is, you can google that too.

Juancho, word to your mother.

Great American Exports…

The major Posted by Picasa

This is an excerpt of the full article written by Brian O’ Connor.

“I shall never forget the thunderous applause that greeted me as I rode my victorious lap of honor around the track with a huge bouquet of roses.”
—Marshall “Major” Taylor

The din of 12,000 spectators enveloped Marshall “Major” Taylor and his three rivals as they banked the final turn of the 1-mile world championship at Montreal’s Queens Park velodrome in 1899. Two opponents, brothers Tom and Nat Butler of Boston, had the tactical advantage on the pitched oval, partnering to jam Taylor. But on this August afternoon, the 20-year-old African American was unstoppable.

Unleashing the furious finishing sprint that made him the most feared, most respected and most popular bicycle racer of his era, Taylor flew past the Butlers and France’s Courbe d’Outrelon to win by a tire-width. In victory, Taylor added a new title to his glittering résumé: world champion.
The FastestToday, as Lance Armstrong eyes an unprecedented seventh Tour de France victory, one of the United States’ first sports superstars, a cyclist no less, has been consigned to obscurity. The irony might be amusing if it weren’t profoundly heartbreaking.

Taylor’s landmark 1-mile world championship in 1899 came precisely 100 years before Armstrong’s first miraculous Tour victory. It came a decade before a contemporary, Jack Johnson, became the first black American to win boxing’s heavyweight title. It came 37 years before Jesse Owens debunked the notion of Aryan supremacy at the Olympic Games in Berlin. It came 46 years before Jackie Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier. Taylor was only the second North American of color (after Canadian bantamweight boxer George Dixon) to win a world championship.