
I started this blog on Tuesday, April 19, 2005. The third post written on here speaks of the Munson Hills trail, or Sweet Grandmother Munson, as I call her. Since that first mention I have written over 1,000 posts and have been visited over 100,000 times (920,000 were The Human Wrecking Ball though.) Of those thousand, 950 are about riding mountain bikes in the Tallahassee area. Of those 950, more than half mention Munson. When the BRC is made into a movie, the dénouement will be set on that cinnamon and sugar path through the pines.

I guess I will have to film it down at Santos since the Forest Service is resurfacing the entire trail with red clay. I can hear the justification from the government stooges clearly. “You said it was a sand pit, you said you wanted to fix the trail, so we are fixing the trail.” This will all be said in that exacerbated voice that implies you are getting what you asked for and should only accept it, but appreciate it.

This style and strategy is old hat. It is the voice of the abusive father who makes his child smoke the entire pack of cigarettes for having been caught with one.

“What? I thought you wanted to smoke?”

It doesn’t matter. I’m just kvetching into the wind. The Forest Service could not give one tiny crap about my opinion, or yours either. I will still ride the trail and so will you. I like to go fast. I like red clay trails, that’s why I go to Tom Brown Park and Lake Overstreet.

If you ride mountain bikes in this town your DNA commands that you ride the forest after it rains. The sand sets up, the needlepack weaves tight and the Munson magic carpet ride is the best trail on Earth.

That’s all over now. On rainy days when the trail is wet we will have to go bowling, or flip through the latest Dirt Rag and wait for our trails to dry like everybody else.

It might ride nice when they are finished, but they are going to have to change the name.

This I believe.


4 Responses to Progress

  1. I like most of what has been done. Just want to see some of the old Munson live on.

    Somebody’s kids might adopt this trail one day.

    See you there in the morning.