Monthly Archives: February 2011

What do you want from me? I’m working my ass off. Out of town, up before the sun and clocking out after dark. It happens to the best of us, and the worst of us. In the meantime, I’m holding my own. Not even a smidge of deviation from THE ROUTINE. I’m treating this whole trip as a chance to rest my legs.


Tour de Florida

Tomorrow I leave for a 12 day tour of our great state. If you think that is an invitation to rob me I must warn you that my cat-sitter is a dangerous man, and the cat is pretty out of control too so bring it.

Rain is in the forecast, but I have learned not to think about that much when making plans. I am leaning towards San Felasco tomorrow morning, with Alafia nudging towards an upset. My route will take me south to Lee County and then north through Orange County. Anyplace on the Gulf coast is fair game, as is anyplace within shouting distance of the turnpike. There are plenty of lesser known trails to consider such as Crooms, the Suwanee river trails, and even some trail near Orlando. What do you think? Stick to the sure things or get off the beaten path? Any other must-see’s along the way such as favorite springs, bookstores, folk art, or skunk ape lairs?

I have lived in Florida most of my life, but I’m always prepared to see it as a brand new place.


For want of a nail the early worm was caught

I have been trying to shake a cold since the weekend and I had the damn thing cornered in my right ear. With a flanking attack I sent the Neti-pot in through the sinus cavity and the hydrogen peroxide down the Eustachian tubes. Pinned down, the bug just dug in deeper. My plan of resting and waiting was getting me nowhere so I suited up to go ride it out. I drove to the trail (justified by vague self-talk of going to work after riding) and to my chagrin I had forgotten my shoes.

Having nobody to complain to, I cranked the Safari and drove back home to verify that my cleats were on the kitchen table where I placed them. So that is what I get for driving to the trail. When you ride from the house you never forget your shoes.

The urge to ride then passed, and I was a little dizzy from the ear thing frankly. I decided to heed the signs that I was not quite in riding shape and opted for a tub bath and another 30 pages of The Instructions which is a revelation and a delight.

Wouldn’t you know it, the steam popped my ear for me. Is there a moral to this story? Can you put it into words for me?


Weight Class

At the end of September I weighed the same as the above Alligator Gar, a world record holder. Now I weigh the same as this Bluefin Tuna. The tuna still got caught by these yahoos, but I think I can outrun the yahoos around here.
