I am thinking about everything up to this point. Over the years I have said that life is like stumbling down a dark hallway with your hands in front of your face. That ignores the fact that you can learn a lot about hallways by stumbling. I should get a medal for resisting things that are good for me. Last to Learn it would read. I get it eventually, and I want a medal for that too. He Gets it Eventually proudly displayed beneath Suspicious of Motives.
To achieve is admirable, to persevere is sublime.
TS Juancho continues its eastward drift. Forecasters anticipate a reorganization of circulation over the next 3-6 weeks. Stay tuned for further advisories.
The light switch is always at the wrong end of a dark hallway.
Perserverance? It’s all I got most of the time. But it works, in the end.
Perseverance is good. When it lasts.