People have some pretty strong opinions about vans, and van drivers. There is something about the capacity and versatility of a cargo van that makes people jealous. I don’t understand the vitriol. Nobody is stopping them from getting a van of their own. The limitations exist in the mind. Like wearing Crocs. You swear on your life you will not be caught in them and then there you find yourself, eating mayonnaise from the jar in the ugliest shoes on earth.
So maybe there are a few too many coffee cups, moldy bike jerseys, and stale almonds under the seats. There could always be more. You might think you are too good for it, but I have room for you, your bike, some dental floss, and some nasal spray and we can go anywhere we want.
Vans lead the way-
I’m a big fan of vans! Picked up my prom date in a ’76 Dodge Van with moon disc hub caps, and a sunroof. Looking back, I can’t believe her mom let that happen. I suppose it was closer to the days of standing in the front seat of the truck, holding dad’s beer, than it was to today.
Mommas don’t let your daughters grow up to date van boys…
“I wish I could go back in time. I’d take State.”
Vans are a great way to move a couch, but if your arm is broke you’ll need help from someone. it’s best if they get in first and lift the couch while you push.
Nicol- Big Worm said he will be by to pick you up in his new (but pretty old) van tonight at 8:00 P:M.
Mags- I think that is some kind of serial killer joke. We get a lot of those in the van community.
I’ve never had a “real” van but my favorite car ever (well, besides the Mercedes) was a Mazda mini-van. I LOVED that thing. I burned incense in it. I had throw pillows in it. My Jimmy Buffett tapes were in a basket. I took my children to the beach in it over and over and over again.
Waaaaaay too good for it, but if you’re offering I’ll ride in that van. Ass, cash or grass…
Nobody rides for free!
I once had a Safari like yours, J, but long ago settled into a ’99 Sienna. The odometer’s sneaking up on 175K and the AC still works, though the door handles are an Achilles’ heel. With rear seats banished, it’s pretty good for carting bikes securely and hauling the ‘yak, even without racks, but sometimes I long for a zippy little 4-chugger or hybrid to dart around town.
I know. I want a scooter I can deploy from the Safari.
I still tear up when I think about my 71 VW bus, Oscar. Keeping him running was an endurance sport, but It had a bed and all my gear in it. God I loved it. Sadly the parents of the girls I dated were not as trusting as Worms prom date. I got waved off by a Dad that didn’t even let me pull in the driveway (so to speak).
“Sadly the parents of the girls I dated were not as trusting as Worms prom date. I got waved off by a Dad that didn’t even let me pull in the driveway (so to speak).”