BRC Slogan Challenge

It’s what’s for breakfast!
Ok people, I know you all snuck into this show by crawling under the tent so it is time to pay up.
Because I consider my weblog to be among the finest in the mountain bike/over 30/sarcasm/bitter regret/& excuses genre I would like to pursue some branding opportunities. My Momma, now the proud owner of BLDT (Barbie’s Little Dream Truck) has already produced “BLDT” stickers. I’m jealous! I want stickers. T-shirts. Mousepads. Coffee Mugs.
I want validation people.
So here is your chance to roast me on a spit. I want your best and your worst. Keep it simple. Keep it cleanish (if it’s profane it must be scathingly funny, but I prefer euphemism.)
I’ll get the ball rolling myself…
The BigRingCircus- he can spell euphemism!
The BigRingCircus- fastest blog on the trail.
BRC-D&D without the dice.
THE BRC- Performance Enhancing Thugs.
BRC-proof that beer won’t make you faster.
BRC-A great way to stay single.
Big Ring Doofus
BRC-North Florida’s least interesting secret.
BRC-“Juancho go read ‘dat”
Big Ring Circus-dirty words (get it-“dirt”y)
Big Ring Circus-Still Unshaven
S’quatch YOU Reading?
BRC-Bigfoot sightings daily
BRC: Where old Clydesdales go to die.
S’quatch never rides his damn mountain bike or sets foot in the gym he pays for, and worst of all it doesn’t even bother him in the least.
Ok the last one is a bit wordy and vindictive, but catchy don’t you think?
Now let’s see what you’ve got.
CEO of Hammer Inc.

8 Responses to BRC Slogan Challenge

  1. BRC – Love it or Lurk it.

    BRC – Tsali Dreams on a Live Oak Budget.

    BRC – Bending Reality Conveniently

    BRC – The greatest show on earth.

    BRC – The greatest snow on earth.

    BRC – Earth-Surfing Unveiled.

    —–or my favorite—–

    BRC – Something to do if you don’t have a road bike.

  2. BRC – Where mythical creatures and mountain bikers meet.

    BRC- When you really should be working.

    BRC – If you don’t get it, you’re not alone.

    BRC – Bless his heart.