Reading back over the past year of the BigRingCircus I can draw some conclusions.
For a guy with a bike blog and a Titus Racer X I sure could ride more.
I have never had a bad time at Santos.
If things go south, Mystery the Untameable Stallion is usually there.
I like breakfast.
I’m not home very much.
I tend to exaggerate, but not too much.
That’s about it, to deduce more than that would be a reach, proving that there are very few truisms in this life.
Tomorrow I will be en route to Mexico and I fully expect to blog in Spanish, or morir ententando. I’m not sure how much you readers will enjoy that, but let’s just see what happens.
-Bienvenidos Ano Nuevo.
Hey bro, still coming by my place tonight?
I’m not sure what I’m doing. I have to drive to ATL at 7:30 A:M. That doesn’t leave much of a party window.
Can’t wait to hear about your Mexican journeys.
Be safe, don’t make any jokes in the airport about bombs, and report in regularly.
And kiss that baby for me.
Tell Lopo I’ll be there soon.
I’m bossy aren’t I?
Lo siento pero eso es la manera que soy.
Or something like that.
The end of the year deserves better than this post, I’ll have to try again later.
This year, with the exception of little juanchito’s birth, deserves a HEAVE-HO if you ask me!!
Bring on Leap Year and a new President, please!
Amen, Libbyllama. Amen. Have a great time in Mexico! I’m thinking about you all.