Fresh Ink

Please reference the post below to read my pollyanna treatise on wounds, injuries, and the inherently soulful qualities of riding through pain.

When it comes to gaping puncture wounds I feel differently.

How do I feel about these sorts of wounds? Dizzy to mildly nauseated, especially while irrigating it with a syringe.

This occurred while sliding out on the freshly laid pine needles on that favorite trail of mine, the Twilight Zone. I’m not sure how the lawsuit works- do I sue Fat of the Land and then they sue the Forest Service or is it the other way around?

Maybe 70lbs of pressure is too much for those conditions. Who knows?

Aside from that, we had a grueling ride. The sun, the sand, the tectonic pace. I tell you what, if I wanted to hire someone to guide old, retired people who have neve ridden mountain bikes in the woods before I would hire my friend Mystery, the children’s birthday party pony. He would be perfect.

Good thing he doesn’t know about the internet.


12 Responses to Fresh Ink

  1. I’d suggest you sue the bike manufacturer or maybe the bike shop, naturally you would sue them all. Too bad about the wound, punctures have always been my favorite. Something about the way they ooze. I am glad it wasn’t one of the armoring methods used on Munson.

    If you are bleeding you aren’t mountain bike riding, you sure ride a lot.


  2. You thought you could keep slandering Twilight and avoid the price? To remain unpunctured, speak well of it and keep clear of it (and mountain bikes generally). That’s working for me lately.

  3. S’quatch is right about it upsetting your mother. If you need a “home sick” note, let me know. But mainly, I seem to be the only one to ask if you’re current on your tetanus shot!! Lockjaw is not a nice thing to get.

  4. On a side note:
    Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Fat Lad this Tuesday at 7pm (unless their flight is delayed) at Barnacle Bills. Ya’ll come out and help give them a proper welcome and make some ride or drinking plans during their four night stay in TLH.
    I understand that Sir Juancho has to take his VLJ to JFK and won’t be here for the brunt of their stay. So can anyone give these folks a poper bike tour of our local trail fare??