On Tour

Calm down Wrecking Ball we aren’t talking about the glory days. This is just a pic I took of me and the boys on a recent ride. As I get to thinking about this latest comeback which is really more of a stayback since I never came back from the last attempted comeback, I thought I might need some variance in my training plan.

I love our trails and I plan to ride them all in the many ways that keep them interesting: forward, backward, one shoe off, rear shifter on left side of the bar, gravy in the Camelbak, you know- the regular stuff. I also thought some destination-minded tours of T-town might also be a nice way to reacquaint myself with town and climb an unknown hill or two.

One idea is a tour of all the homes in which I’ve lived. That would take me from the far-flung backwoods of Gem Terrace to the tony reaches of Livingston Road.

Equally exhausting is a tour of all of my former employers. That would take a while and involve a lot of restaurants.

What other theme-based rides can you envision?


13 Responses to On Tour

  1. Mingo and I have been discussing another Ken-venture, in which he takes us on a local style adventure in which we get more or less lost, but eventually become friends again over some sort of all-u-can-eat buffet. Current venues on the table include Aucilla and/or the Florida Trail in Wakulla, through the palm forest and Sheppard’s Branch type areas. Whaddaya think? You interested?

  2. My beer belly is suggesting I should stage a comeback too. But I done told it that as long as the highs don’t break the 30’s barrier and the snow piles from the December snowstorm are still blocking the sidewalks, it’s the metro for me.

    Good weather for a Shepard Spring or Aucilla Sinks Tour for sure. And following Mingo’s tracks will definitely get you lost in those parts. Along those lines a Florida Trail Toodle on the Refuge between the Aucilla and Pinhook is sweet as is the old tram between Port Leon and the St. Marks River crossing.

    Theme rides?
    Would a Juancho’s Love Nest Roundup finish by brunch or take all day?
    How about a nostalgic tour of eateries gone by? Natures Way, Finales, Talquin Inn, The Alley, Trios, Buffalo’s on Tenn, Shrimp Shack, Bagel Peddler, The Kitchen…

  3. Hey! A pilgrimage to the Church of the Batshit Crazy in Lloyd where I’ll be waiting with punch and pound cake. Seriously. I’d love that. And could in fact be persuaded to make the menu beer and chili.

  4. I haven’t checked the BRC archives, and can’t recall whether you ever crossed the St. Mark’s-Lighthouse-Road-to-the-Pinhook pilgrimmage off your life list?

  5. Nice suggestions. You ask the right question and this crew brings the consultation heat!

    How’s this? I’m thinking about riding to Cherokee Sink, and, using a discuss spin for momentum, throwing my mountain bike as far out toward the middle as I can get it. Then, after an appropriate moment of silence, I’ll hitchhike home.

  6. If it ever quits raining I’d go for Sheppard’s Branch and the palm forest, otherwise Aucilla.

    We could do an in town ride revisiting my best crash spots and the homes of my old girlfriends. Then check out where they all live now with their wildly successful husbands, IB program kids and Volvos. Or we could climb to the top of the Capital via the window louvers and test the open umbrella theory. Bring your own umbrella.

  7. How about we ride to all the clubs I played that led to my music career (not) taking off? It’ll be mentally tougher than Felasco. I better get my bike fixed first so it won’t shift.