Monthly Archives: January 2010

On Tour

Calm down Wrecking Ball we aren’t talking about the glory days. This is just a pic I took of me and the boys on a recent ride. As I get to thinking about this latest comeback which is really more of a stayback since I never came back from the last attempted comeback, I thought I might need some variance in my training plan.

I love our trails and I plan to ride them all in the many ways that keep them interesting: forward, backward, one shoe off, rear shifter on left side of the bar, gravy in the Camelbak, you know- the regular stuff. I also thought some destination-minded tours of T-town might also be a nice way to reacquaint myself with town and climb an unknown hill or two.

One idea is a tour of all the homes in which I’ve lived. That would take me from the far-flung backwoods of Gem Terrace to the tony reaches of Livingston Road.

Equally exhausting is a tour of all of my former employers. That would take a while and involve a lot of restaurants.

What other theme-based rides can you envision?


Basic Needs

A nice quiet day for unpacking. The air is calm. The sky is gray, or grey if you prefer. I think this unsettledness is my problem. How can one focus on lofty, upper pyramid goals like bike rides when such low and humble needs like furniture are not stable? One cannot, I assert.

If you ever want to see Juancho ride again, then tell the universe to send him a couch, preferably sectional, with no biological stains.


The Facts

Ice protruding from Camelback valve.

Backyard ice art.

Snow on the barn- Reddick, FL.

This guy already knows he is definitely not finishing the 50. He deeply and sorely regrets leaving his cold icy pallet on the tack room floor in Reddick, FL.

He was unnerved by the snow covering the ground in Central Florida. He anticipates there is nothing in those woods for him but certain death.

He is still gambling on the possibility that one of the other dudes will blink first. They don’t.

He doesn’t know that soon his pants will be full of ice water from his leaking Camelback. He certainly doesn’t realize that water will freeze to his butt.

Within 20 minutes of this picture being taken this guy’s feet will freeze into blocks of wood, his fingers will turn to frozen chicken wings.

He knows he doesn’t really want this very badly, he’s not really sure how he came to be here, in this field, on this dark and bitter morning.

He is absolutely certain that the day will not end well.

It only took him 15 miles to realize he could do something about it.

See you next year San Felasco!


Happy Elvismas

Happy Birthday to the king. He would have been 75 today. If you are not a fan, keep your fat Elvis jokes to yourself. Fat or skinny, you aren’t worthy to carry his feather boas or dab the sweat from his iconic brow.

I’m going to take inspiration from his 1976 Comeback Special and rock the San Felasco tomorrow. Be it black ice or snain (what up Jill!)I’m going to push those pedals for as long as they let me.

have a good weekend-



Today is the day of the Epiphany. It marks the day the world realized that Jesus was the Son and three kings walked their butts off to check it out. Now we use the word to describe a moment of realization and awakening as in…

Holy Shit I Never Should Have Signed Up for San Felasco!

So screwed- Juancho


The temperature on Saturday morning is expected to be around 24 degrees in Alachua, FL. That is why I am looking forward to a short, brisk ride to lunch at the Tour de Felasco before I head off to a fun afternoon of shopping with one of my favorite girls, Ma Ingalls. I have gift cards and coupons burning a hole in my chamois. The shame of failure has long since left the building and I expect it will be a miracle if Pa Ingalls and Tommy can even get me out of my tent, let alone find me Saturday morning for our customary 5:30 A:M breakfast call. If I were them I would try the Microtel Inn at the 484 exit. I will be in the room behind the No Me Moleste sign.

This is Florida. We aren’t geared up for 24 degrees. I’m going to have to wear everything I own. I will look like a Teletubby. How embarrassing. I am going to carry a bucket of fried chicken just to keep up with the caloric needs of maintaining a normal body temperature.

Reality has come a calling. Good God. What have I done?
