Would you like to see more of the following at the BRC?
More about BJS
naked pictures of Juancho
I’d read anything on the BRC. The writing is what drew me in and what keeps me.
More invective and useful info, in that order.
Weekly tributes to your mother
Tales of epic bike rides
yard sales
Topless Fridays! Random shirtless pics of the BRC hunks.
Recipes and off the beaten path restaurant reviews but not of places that serve Spirulina Shakes.
Why do you visit the BigRingCircus? Please choose all that apply.
More about BJS
For the writing, natch, but I do care about the topic.
To feel bursts of pride to keep me trudging along through my days.
To be reminded that some people actually use the internet for creative purposes
First blog I ever visited. Consistent and clever content. It’s part of my daily work ritual which means that over the years I have been paid hundreds of dollars to read this dribble
I just miss you and the boys so… Nomad (Molly)
Would you be interested in BRC-branded merchandise?
BJS “how grout thou art” jersey
stickers- for my bike frame
Bumper sticker!
T-shirt must be in a color that suits me — like ivory or khaki.
beer coozies
BRC socks
banana hammock
BRC toilet paper with blog excerpts on each square
bong sticker
BRC Water Bottle
Thanks for all of your input. Our marketing department is working to implement many of these wonderful ideas. Until then you can expect more of the same dribble you have come to expect here at the BRC. In fact, I will be back later today to tell you some fine stories from the weekend.
I like me some basketball, but I think you meant drivel.
When facilitating it is important to not change the language of the participant, but to respect their lexicographical peculiarities.
This is quite entertaining. You might want to consider more surveys!
blog by committee is fun!
I’m back,but it’s too late for stories.