I did not pedal a single stroke all weekend, not a lick. Que mas puedo decir? I am going down to the holy land tomorrow to pay penance at Santos. I couldn’t help it. I am focused on my secret project. If this blog was a puppy somebody would have turned me in to the humane society by now. Lucky for me it is only a temporary, abstract image of pixels that both exists forever in the ethereal and never existed at all in the corporeal. There isn’t an office to hunt you down for neglecting these suckers.
It is raining from Tallahassee to Orlando at the moment and all of the trails along the way are likely soaked. If conditions don’t permit me to ride I will pull over in the San Felasco parking lot and do some success visioning. I hear that’s how the champions do it.
poor little bicycle
cute post
It’s OK with me if you’re not single-minded – and you don’t even have to write about bikes every time, either.
Oh, and some things are worth giving up a bike ride for every now and then, eh? 🙂
Oh, “success” visioning; I’ve been doing it all wrong.