
Got some gear to get rid of? Advertise it here on Juanchobay, your latest source for online trading. I hear people get rich on the internet, and I think it is about time I make a go at superstardom and megawealth.

The first item up for bid is a 2005 Jamis Dakar Expert. This is a sweet, sweet bike. I’m just tired of it holding me back. I could do any number of things to court that alluring mistress Speed, but a trade-in is the easiest. S’quatch’s dieting and purging sermon has done nothing but drive me under the covers with a wedge of Brie and an 8 pack of Rice Krispy treats.

So who wants it? We will start the bidding at $1,000.00.


11 Responses to Juanchobay

  1. I’ll take these in order.

    No way, I would not sell the Del Ray. It is a road bike, but I don’t hold that against it.

    W.B.- How could you blaspheme? Of course, I am certainly not going to get another Jamis. I’m going boutique on your asses.

    rickysilk- don’t encourage him. He’s come too far.

    And yes Ma’am, yes I did.

  2. I was saving my money for a single speed, tight capri jeans, and punk attitude, but now…
    Will you take 20 bucks a week until the payments guilt you into saying: “aww, just forget the money-I’m rich anyway”.


  3. Nothing like pimpin your wares on the street and having your good buddy wb heckling the merchandise.

    That’s a sweet, sweet, sweet, slow-ass bike, with the emphasis on sweet.

  4. Hey, Add an ad for my old Scalpel.

    2000 Cannondale Scalpel
    A few issues, but still a decent ride.
    And a double-susser that weighs less than 24 lbs!

    You want it!
    Talk to roboboy and take a test ride.