Report in clowns, freaks, barkers, and carnies.
I spent the equivalent of 10 kids’ lunch money for an entire year to replace my front shock, which sounds like it might be a complaint. It isn’t, I am actually bragging. I am about to cut loose the shackles of adult responsibilities and go to Joe’s and make the upgrade of the year happen.
Tonight FOTL is hosting a full moon ride out at that godforsaken and endless trail of tears, the Twilight Zone. That ride jumps off about 8:00 O’Clock and beers are encouraged. There will be a campfire stop along the way and you have long ride vs. short ride options. This is a really fun bunch as you can tell by the group photo above. I’m thinking about getting involved-except that conflicts with my strict no getting involved policy.
Within tighter circles you can’t turn around without bumping into someone who recently got engaged or had a new baby. Congratulations to all of you for affirming the life cycle, those of us remaining in the warrior class will keep an eye on the perimeter.
Let’s all make the Wrecking Ball’s worst fears come true. I want everyone to commit to double mileage while he is away on vacation licking the icing off of french crullers and watching The Price is Right.
The winner of the most exciting stage win in the Tour got busted for doping yesterday. I am so shocked. Here’s to a grueling and entirely unremarkable honest race for the remainder of the stages.
Weekend plans? I have a sack of plums that says I’m going to ride damn near everything we have around here. Yesterday was a rest (golf) day so I feel ornery and chipper as this guy.
Other than that I will wrap up this sock-matching project I have been working on.
Oh Juancho, ya make me smile.
I’ll be at a 12hr endurance race as one half of the Bad Brains Pootle Two at the weekends premiers Manchester race event
oh and for a change it’s raining
Fat Lad
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Sinks here, reporting in.
Me as R.Silks had a meeting scheduled yesterday with the Head of Alfred Be Maclay Gardens State Park and her Calvary Brigade. Only, Mrs. Silks got wind of it and wouldn’t let him go. So the Talking Elf and Mr. Havana Ford stood in to watch my flanks.
I had a massive PowerPoint presentation prepared for the occasion. The first fifty slides were focused on how to build IMBA certified sustainable trails along the sides of steep ass ravines. The second fifty slides were fancy looking topographic photomosaic maps showing specifically where in her park that I wanted to build this new trail. Between the official looking master slide template and my powerful oratory, the Rangers had not a chance. “YES, YES we want your trail! Build it on our hillsides, build it well!” “So be it then. We will build this trail. We will start it next to your Garden restroom facilities and we will link it to the existing Overstreet bike trail and you will like it. Furthermore, every year for evermore, we will gather on your lawn in our costumes. We will dance and ride on these trails and those trails in a massive loop race that will be known throughout the land as the Maclay Mountain Mayhem.”
sign me up!
Nice Job JH!
MMM sounds like the best part of the deal. Costumes….hhmmmmmmmmm…..