There is no relevance to that title I just thought it was funny.
I had one of those rides the other day that just coulnd’t hang together, as sometimes happens. We are all on mountain bikes and we are all wearing funny clothes, but that is where the commonality ends. One man’s wander is another man’s training ride and while one man rides to remember another man rides to forget. What are you going to do? That’s an easy question-
Talk to Dr. Munson about it when it quits raining.
Dr. Munson Dr. Munson
Dr. Munson,
Dr. Munson Dr. Munson
OH Oh oh, Dr. Munson
You got to rock me Dr. Munson…
Your family better get back soon.
Sometimes you ride to forget what you just remembered, as in:
“Oh, that’s right, here I am again dropping my friends and I remember that they don’t like that very much. Hey, that’s an unpleasant thought! I need to ride harder to forget that shit.”
Of course, I only get to enjoy that brand of mental gymnastics when I lead rides for our local elementary school. I smoke those little bitches!
why are the unicorns’ names in Etruscan? Very curious…
which one are you? I guess the red.
Yes, I am the red Etruscan Unicorn. Now roll the twelve sided die already.
Don’t look now, but I think that Lavender Etruscan Unicorn is flirting with you.
candy corn tastes good, pork chops taste good…
I rolled a seventeen, you are sooo NOT hooking up with that lavender bitch. However, the hit points do indicate you might pull some strange off that black & white little fella-is that Wrecking Ball???
So who had “8” in the “number of comments before Wrecking Ball is called the short, spotted, grumpy unicorn” pool?
Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya…