Happy Elvismas

Happy Birthday to the king. He would have been 75 today. If you are not a fan, keep your fat Elvis jokes to yourself. Fat or skinny, you aren’t worthy to carry his feather boas or dab the sweat from his iconic brow.

I’m going to take inspiration from his 1976 Comeback Special and rock the San Felasco tomorrow. Be it black ice or snain (what up Jill!)I’m going to push those pedals for as long as they let me.

have a good weekend-


4 Responses to Happy Elvismas

  1. May the sand and pine straw rise to meet your rubber,
    May the wind push briskly from behind,
    May the sun warm your Cliff Bars.
    Let the trees pass quietly,
    Leave behind (or ahead) those with disparaging comments,
    Bask in the simplicity of turning the pedals and stopping when you damn well please.
    Best wishes Juancho.