I know it is considered rude to use it in polite company. There are so many other ways to say it, that to come right out and be blunt is just crude. No matter what your intention to let it utter from your lips is to put a target on your back. If I could think of any other way to say this, believe me I would gladly hide behind euphemism or innuendo.
I guess I will just have to take my chances.
I feel fast.
I had to read this twice.
I thought you were tawkin’ to me.
Now go be fast.
This is NOT good news for me. I am happy for you (in a “thanks for doing this while I’m on the bench” kinda way).
Fast is fabulous!
F’ing right.
F’ing right.
Whoops, sorry for the hiccup.
Where I’m from them are racing words. I hope your locals take you out and make you prove it…
Not a chance. The locals I ride with are hibernating and the rest don’t count. Besides, I don’t compete in the ring. I take it outside like in Rocky V.
Let’s ride!
When I say fast I mean fast as compared to other Juanchos of the past. I would rate the current Juancho as competitive with the 2001 Juancho, aka “the Year of the (Jamis) Dragon.”
I thought you were going to say…
uh, well, I mean…
(staring at my shoes)
I’m slow and too busy to get faster, but at lest I’m back on the bike after a month when my lower back acted like Roberto Duran (“No mas.”)
Saturday I rode upper Cadillac to the the Alford Arm Greenway and kept turning right until I hit water or a neighborhood. The fast doubletrack was just the ticket.
Fast is effffing fun. At least that’s what fast guys tell me.
I’m looking for the like button…..anyway, the proper way to say “fast” is eff. As in; Terry hasn’t been riding, meanwhile I have been getting eff as fu**
Thank you, I can only hope I continue to need to learn something like the proper way to say fast.
Oh boy, here they come… Like a cackle of hyenas catching sight of an overconfident lion cub. Blood on the motherfucking wind.
Why come for me when they can feast on your tired old carcass?
“Lion cub?” More like pride of the pride.
LOL, it’s getting deeeeep in here. One of y’all FLA hyenas can’t catch a mouthful of hamstring?
Ride, juancho, ride!