
I am writing from behind the paper curtain so I can’t post a picture to accompany this post. If I could it would be a ball of yarn, snugly wound. Not too tight, just smartly gathered in a colorful ball ready to weave new stories.

I corrected the balance of my riding account this weekend, with the support of everyone around me. I had a great 3 hours out with Hitops and Squatch on Saturday in an old-fashioned south side wander, followed by an epic 3.5 hour exploration of the Tallahassee underground at the Dogboy Invitational on Sunday.

I will tell you all about it later. All of this typing is making the man suspicious. Productivity intimidates. If they only knew!

Everything is going to be okay.


2 Responses to Raveled

  1. You have to make noises of frustration while typing, then The Man figures you’re really buckling down and productifying.

    Every once in a while, ask outloud into the office ether if, “anyone has a better algorithm for their spreadsheets?” and shit like that; you’ll get a raise in three weeks.