Monthly Archives: March 2006


I will be out of here for a couple days. I’m going to Oak Mountain State Park, where the locals love mountain biking, but apparently haven’t figured out that you are supposed to ride the bikes. Maybe I can give them some pointers.

But seriously folks!

If you have a craving for lush hardwood forest, demanding singletrack, and good BBQ then google Oak Mountain State Park and let the envy begin. I can definitely throw that guy’s bike farther than he can, so I’m looking to get on the podium so to speak.

New submission from “IfIhadabike” up in NYC- BRC- Now with Humor!

Very funny. Very friggin’ funny.

What else? Remember S’quatch? He managed to keep himself clean again all weekend by staying out of the woods. I think he’s truly hung up his knobbies for good. We had some good times though didn’t we? Hello?

Bushy and I tromped around looking for scat and tracks yesterday, but I’m afraid the trail has gone cold on the big cat. We had some minor excitement when I leapt across the “crik” in a cat-like manner myself and Bushy yells “Stop! Don’t Move! A huge snake just flashed up the hill when you landed”. “Come back the way you came” he says, which was impossible and looked even snakier. Standing in tall grass wondering which way the snake went actually sounds like an excellent metaphor for my general life outlook and expectations. I picked a direction and high-stepped it out of there. Also an excellent metaphor for something.

I’m still welcoming slogan submissions, so keep them coming. We have some real gems, but I have a hunch you can do better. I’m also think of printing up some less traditional items rather than the standard t-shirt, coffee mug, thing. I’m leaning towards…

a Nascar sponsorship
Cartons of smokes
Ace bandages
inner tubes (great product visibility!)
Your bikes

Just to name a few. That’s right, this juice of mine just flows all day.

-Juancho-now with humor!


When Joe asks her what she used to do for a career, all she ever says is she used to love to go hiking and skydiving.

This woman, 75 years old, now uses her sense of adventure to survive living on the streets of Tallahassee. Caught in the dilemma of medication or housing, but never both, she sleeps on the concrete front porch you see pictured above. Bike boxes make for good insulation from the cold chill seeping up through the concrete. Lake Ella is fairly safe, more prone to deviant rendevous in the parking lot than outright violence. Most importantly, she chose Joe. Lots of people choose Joe. For as long as I have known him and his tiny bike shop on the lake, Joe has taken care of the outcasts, the loners, the misfits. Some ride bikes, but not all of them. Some don’t seem to notice it is even a bike shop. They come to chat with Joe, just like I do.

This woman is different. She has chosen to live at Joe’s. She comes around at closing time, always asks permission to stay. What do you do? Joe said yesterday if he had a bigger place he would bring her home, and I don’t doubt it.

I’m so pissed about this I can barely type.

Joe, and Huck, and Scotty B. (Not his real name) have made some upgrades. They moved the bench she used to sleep on, and Joe bought her a foam pool float (one of those real thick, non-inflatable ones). They got her a lamp. I mean, what can you do? She’s not mentally ill, although her body is racked with cancer apparently. She’s done with chemo. No more of that she says. If it comes back, she won’t seek that kind of help. She’s got no family left. She’s on her own.

Yesterday Joe showed me a note she asked him to write for her stating that she wanted her body to be used for the advancement of medical science if it is at all useful to anyone. Joe dutifully wrote the note, she signed it, inscribed a social security number, and he put it in the drawer. What else can you do?

She’s not mentally ill. She keeps herself clean and put together somehow. She can express herself just fine, and she is angry to still be alive. She says she has done everything she wanted to do. She says she’s too scared, or not the type, to just eat a bunch of pills and go to sleep forever. She doesn’t ask for money, and when Joe offers it she refuses. She definitely doesn’t want to go to the homeless shelter.

I am making the social service calls, exploring the options, but who knows what she is willing to do? She has her pride to consider. Chances are that someone will find her dead on Joe’s porch before the state comes up with a place for her.

What is my point? I don’t know.

That I’m disgusted?
That I want to help her?
That you will NEVER be as proud of your bike shop as I am of mine?


BRC Slogan Challenge

It’s what’s for breakfast!
Ok people, I know you all snuck into this show by crawling under the tent so it is time to pay up.
Because I consider my weblog to be among the finest in the mountain bike/over 30/sarcasm/bitter regret/& excuses genre I would like to pursue some branding opportunities. My Momma, now the proud owner of BLDT (Barbie’s Little Dream Truck) has already produced “BLDT” stickers. I’m jealous! I want stickers. T-shirts. Mousepads. Coffee Mugs.
I want validation people.
So here is your chance to roast me on a spit. I want your best and your worst. Keep it simple. Keep it cleanish (if it’s profane it must be scathingly funny, but I prefer euphemism.)
I’ll get the ball rolling myself…
The BigRingCircus- he can spell euphemism!
The BigRingCircus- fastest blog on the trail.
BRC-D&D without the dice.
THE BRC- Performance Enhancing Thugs.
BRC-proof that beer won’t make you faster.
BRC-A great way to stay single.
Big Ring Doofus
BRC-North Florida’s least interesting secret.
BRC-“Juancho go read ‘dat”
Big Ring Circus-dirty words (get it-“dirt”y)
Big Ring Circus-Still Unshaven
S’quatch YOU Reading?
BRC-Bigfoot sightings daily
BRC: Where old Clydesdales go to die.
S’quatch never rides his damn mountain bike or sets foot in the gym he pays for, and worst of all it doesn’t even bother him in the least.
Ok the last one is a bit wordy and vindictive, but catchy don’t you think?
Now let’s see what you’ve got.
CEO of Hammer Inc.

HUCKleberry Slim Goes to Town

Wow. After the show I saw last night I can only say WOW!

A small crew of us took a ride to campus last night, rolling out of 10th Ave around 9:30. “Shins”, chief mechanic down at Joe’s ( had a craving for some urban assault.

Bushy, Hambone, and I started riding the FSU campus at night, for fun, back in the early ’90’s so we figured we could show him a thing or two. Shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttt. I don’t think so.

A brief primer: to “huck” is the new lexicon for “jump” or “launch” yourself and your bike into the air, or off of something. Just to make sure we are all on the same page.

The route went something like this…

10th to Milton

Through the graveyard (very dark) Juancho shows off his skills by locking the brakes a split second before hitting a tree.

Up MLK Jr. to the Gazebo on Park.

This is where things got serious. 30 feet of air, out of the gazebo onto the steps below (between the iron handrails mind you). Variations followed. Over the clipped hedge pungy sticks, etc.

Well OK then. Welcome to the X-games. Onward to campus. Hit this, jump that. Jump this, hit that. Swoosh, zoom, boing! Everyone is having a good time.

Top of the hill, Landis Green. Huck Slim is checking out a double flight of stairs, 20 or 30 feet long. A cleaning woman is standing in a doorway at the bottom talking on her cell phone. Calling the police? No. “I want to see y’all do this” she says. Sorry to disappoint her, but there won’t be much y’all involved. Just Huck Slim and his big brass ones. It hasn’t sunk in for me exactly what he intends to do. Ride down them real fast? I can do that. Bunny hop over the edge onto the first flight? I won’t do that. No way.

When I turn around and see him coming in for the approach I realize what he is up to. He is going to jump the entire first flight, and land somewhere down below, being sure to clear his head below the concrete slab protruding down from the ceiling. He launches. An icy chill runs down my spine. He comes up a little short, sparks shower out from his big ring as it drags across the landing. I smell gunpowder.

“OH SHIT!” Says the cleaning woman. “I ain’t NEVER seen nothing like that before!”

Me neither honey, me neither.

Bunny hop the bench onto the slope then drop off the 4 foot wall to the parking lot? No problem.

Ride a one-handed wheelie all the way home? No problem.

Huck Slim I tell you, the guy is amazing. This post isn’t even worthy, in fact it sucks. It should be more daring.

Here goes– @#%&&^$$^*())_+_)&&(*^$#$$%^^!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whew, that’s more like it!


After using the term “cryptozoologist” more than once on this site due to the frequency of encounters with our gentle giant friend, Sasquatch, life will now imitate art. Next Tuesday Ham and I are invited to participate in a radio call in show hosted by the Pangea Institute to discuss our sighting. Investigator Scott Marlowe is not convinced of the Jaguarundi theory, and holds out for large panther-like cat. When push comes to shove, Ham and I lean that way too. It will all be discussed on the air. I have no idea what station, or how to listen, but I will see what I can do. First I have to go look for scat and tracks.

You are all invited to that little party. E-mail me if you live here and seriously wish to go looking for cat scat. We could make an afternoon of it!


Black Panther Sighted!

Friday afternoon, approximately 4:00 P:M, a Black Panther was spotted by Hambone and me on what was formerly referred to as “Computer Tutors Trail” or “The Timberlane Bum Trail” off of Timberlane road. This trail, and the drainage ditch to the north will now be known as “Panther Park”. For those of you with some history of Circus attendance, you will remember another Friday- October 21, 2005- when I spotted my first Black Panther in the area.

I was not alone this time. Bushy was also with us, but rolled up seconds too late to glimpse the fleeing cat. This one was smaller, I presume because it is early Spring, and we caught it with its pants down, sitting in the trail.

Mind you, there is no recorded proof of panthers, especially black ones, in the area, but they are here.

The South Carolina lowlands country has a similar situation which can be followed at I just don’t know what else to tell you people. We got big cats running around and that is a certified BigRingCircus fact. If you have anecdotal evidence to support this enigma, please share.

Thanks to Bushy and Doc T, I got a respectable 45 miles in over the weekend, primarily singletrack, so that equals like 400 road miles easy. I am right on schedule to burst from the winter meat sweater like a beautiful butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

Chew on that image with your morning coffee, and I’ll catch you later.


C.O.R.E. Meeting: Attendance Mandatory

C.O.R.E = Cut Out Real Early.

Go ahead, get the hell out of there. You know nobody is going to miss you if you say you have “some family thing” to take care of, or you need to “drop the car by the shop”. You can probably flat out tell them, “I’ve had enough of this place and you people for the week and I’m out of here.” It’s Friday, and the weekend lies before you like a cruise ship buffet (which is huge and multi-colored) Go ahead. Eat it up.

Remember when you were 10 years old and every Saturday was as exciting as Christmas? I want you all to have that kind of a weekend, not a get some stuff done around the house weekend. Not a catch up on some work now that the office is quiet kind of weekend. I mean the kind of weekend where every meal is an event. The kind of weekend where you go out for a ride (or whatever you non-riders enjoy) and you achieve a full vacation mindset inside of three hours without leaving town and the surrounding area.

Cruise the Record Shop, or whatever they call them now. Dig up something from back in the day that will transport you to the days when you were overwhelmed with possibilities and sat around with your people going Man, we’ve got so many possibilities! It might be Dinosaur Jr. Doc Watson, Parliament, 11th Dream Day, The Silos, Otis Redding, or the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, but you go find it, you put it in the stereo (or whatever people play music on now) and you crank it up and rip the knob off.

Women- make love to your men. Men-make love to your women. Those otherwise inclined- you make love to whomever loves you back. This weekend there will be no moping, no fretting, no grouching. Smile at the grocery store.

Most importantly, get your asses out of work as early as possible, CORE Meeting is mandatory and if you miss it you will be written up for subordination. The Big Ring Circus hereby declares this a 2 1/2 day weekend.

The clock is ticking…tick….tick…tick..tick

And wherever you are, raise a pint to us here in Tallahassee and we will do the same for you.


Downtown Sit-down

Dressed in his best goomba leisurewear, Joe rolled out on his Kona commuter. Surrounded by his capos and lieutenants, he was going downtown to meet with other families in the bike community.

We were there to make sure they kissed his pinkie ring.

I swooped alongside him on the 1989 “Red Rocket” Dakar, modified for the urban singletrack. S.B. led out on his Voodoo 29’er, his tiny toy dachshund-type dog Beauty, tucked deep in his messenger bag, clipped in of course.
Bushy was in full race regalia. I think I saw him shooting goo packs before we left the neighborhood. Puzzled as to the agenda for the evening I sighed, bemoaning the fate of being a soldier in this family, never knowing what you may walk into next.

Beneath the yellow lights of the gazebo on Park I could see about 20 riders gathered. It was the Fixie Crew, a gang of young upstarts making waves in the city these days.

“Look at ’em boss, their bicycles don’t even have no gears.”

“Yeah, and why are they all the time pedaling, pedaling, pedaling?”

“Relax boys, I do business with these gentlemen.”

So the meeting slowly winds itself up and into an actual meeting. A young buck with tree trunk legs and a mellow disposition calls the gangs to order. Apparently April is National Bicycle Month and the goal of this sit-down is to coordinate the various events and efforts so as not to step on any toes.

Coincidentally, the Circus started touring in April ’05 so hey, let’s do something right? I add my event to the calendar… “Sometime in April, off-road ride, followed by grilling and Guiness somewhere on or near 10th Ave.” Pretty organized of me on such short notice don’t you think?

I’ve got to hand it to the fixie gang, they are hammering out a scene for themselves. “Bike-in” movies, Checkpoint Races, Huffy tosses. They are so motivated it’s exhausting. It’s working for them too, these dudes aren’t slow, and they get all the cool, sulky, tattooed and pierced young ladies as well. What do I get? Obstinate curmudgeons bickering on the Net.

What can I say? I’m into fat tires forever.

Back Porch snippet II

(After sitting Bushy down 4 of 6 games)

Juancho: I own you.

Bushy: Shut up Dirt.

Juancho: Look at those bullseyes, they’re beautiful.

Bushy: Whatever Dirt.

Juancho: I’m throwing rocks tonight!

Bushy: Dirt.

Fascinating isn’t it?
