Have a Seat

Please have a seat. The blogger will be with you in just a moment.

Actually I am working in ATL this week so it is unlikely that I will be posting regularly and even less likely that I will have anything interesting to say. It will be downright improbable that it will have anything to do with bikes.

S’quatch will be joining me on the scene by Friday at which point we will storm the Dauset Nature Center Trails near Jackson, GA.

Whoop-de-do right?

Go see the fellas maybe- Bigworm and the Wrecking Ball, two of the more successful spin-offs on the internet, and there is always Fat Lad to give you a “buck up little camper” speech if you need one.

I think I need one,


5 Responses to Have a Seat

  1. Can we all have a “buck up” speech? A quiet one? Just put it on the blog as a general reference with downloadable aspirins.

  2. I’m quite envious of your Dauset trip. That’s one of my favorite trail systems in north GA. A few of us are going to the supercross race in ATL later this month and will be spending part of the return trip on those same trails.