Each one depends on another

By telling you that I attended a county commission meeting last night I am confessing the bleak social landscape I currently inhabit. Tonight I will probably go back to my usual favorite distraction- calling Senator George Lemieux’s voicemail and encouraging him to break out of his cocoon and fly free like a butterfly against the partisan winds. He never calls me back. Last night however it was Agenda Number 19, the human rights ordinance for Leon County which proposed to include language extending protections to folks who are gay or transgendered (I realize I am lumping some categories together, but I think those two cover the general range of gender identity and sexual orientations.)

S’quatch promised me fireworks and I was in the mood for a scrap so I put some pants on and proceeded to “get my civic on.” I got to the courthouse way too late for a seat and ended up watching the debate on T.V. in the overflow room. What a rip-off.
Still, I stuck it out for four hours and then left minutes before the vote. it was like attending the Superbowl and leaving in the fourth-quarter with the Bucs in the red zone for the go-ahead drive. (Go Bucs.) It didn’t matter. I had heard enough.

I really want to understand this thing with religion. I really do. It seems like someone enjoying the special protection of their rights by the grace of the social contract between the peoples of the United States would see the logic of the most simple law of the universe- you have to give up to get.

To be sure, God had many spokespeople last night, with the majority preaching the golden rule which is the application of human rights in its truest form. I tell you now. A lot of courage was applied at the podium.

It takes courage to stand before your community and condemn people who would do you no harm, who would in fact wish to see you prosper in pursuit of your happiness. It also takes courage to talk about the violence and ridicule that has characterized much of your childhood. One man talked about his generation being, “the last that learned to pass” and how he felt he was a lesser man for it.

That took some guts I am sure.

I understand that beliefs are dear to us all and some believe, under their federally protected right to do so, that others live their lives wrong according to those beliefs but- and here I make my stand- the lack of grace is inexcusable and threatens all of our freedoms.


10 Responses to Each one depends on another

  1. First of all, thank goodness for the First Amendment and the right to petition. As far as some religions go, I don’t get the lack of grace in situations like this either. But, I’d never want a country where we all have to believe the same thing, so I will take the ugly with the good.

  2. exceptions, for Religion, is important, otherwise, perfectly good religious leaders, would be convicted, of, what other folks refer to, as, Crime.


  3. Religion is awesomest when it’s used as a cloak. Religious folks get to stand up tall and throw out all their glorious and righteous hatred because it’s not theirs to own, it’s God’s Will.

    God Hates.

    God Hates a lot. He does seem to make exceptions for the Catholic higher ups, and they pass that exemption down as they see fit, frequently for money, so it all works out.

    Faith is a different issue. And I suppose that’s why this gig I got don’t pay…it’s Free.

  4. Magnum, that is an amazing display of commas, and each of them essential to the message. Bravo.

    I’m not trying to knock anyobdy for their religion, although some folks make themselves easy targets. I’m trying to understand the blind spot that allows them to look past other people’s beliefs so readily. If I strive for anything it is humility. I know everything I believe can be proven wrong in an instant.

    Faith, now that is a different story, or a deeper part of the plot?

  5. I am not knocking religion either. People are entitled to believe what they believe. I think Rev said it well when he said religion can be effectively used as a cloak. I agree. I think there is no explanation for someone (or a group) who cannot look past their own beliefs and see/respect other ways of seeing (ha, John Berger reference). Who knows, I think closed-mindedness breeds the same. There’s probably not a simple explanation for the dismissal displayed at a meeting regarding basic human rights.

  6. I’m mostly blown away by what a fine piece of writing today’s entry is, Juancho. Not that I don’t care what goes on at county commission meetings; it’s just that I gave up expecting to hear anything sensible at them long ago.

  7. Well written and honest. I got no problem with God or how anyone veiws he/she/it. I just think you should clean your own back yard(as me ole Paw used to say) and quit lookin over the fence.