The Archie Bunker of Liberals

I have been looking for a new “thing” to replace my old shallow identity as a lazy cyclist. I thnk I have found it. I’m going to start walking away from dull conversations. I’m not going to be rude about it, but I simply do not have the time for it anymore. I am old now, and as a Generation X’er, it goes without saying that time has been wasted, maybe even squandered, in the pursuit of great conversation. If that is all I’ve gotten out of the years then I feel obligated to stick with it.

No more dull conversations.

This doesn’t mean we can’t talk or chit chat. We can certainly still be friends. It’s just that if I excuse myself to the restroom and do not return, know that Father Time is ticking in my ear and I am off to find a better conversation. I hope you will still call if you need me, or care to talk about something else.

I’m tired of phoning it in, and I’m tired of having it phoned in to me. You don’t need me for that. You have lots of friends who would be relieved to know you just want to enjoy their company and not have any of your fundamental beliefs challenged.

Challenge mine. It is the only way I can be sure I have some.


10 Responses to The Archie Bunker of Liberals

  1. Thankfully I have a couple people in my life who, generally when I’m done talking to them, make me feel like I’ve learned something new, or at least looked at a subject from a different perspective. I think sometimes humans are just one-dimensional and that one aspect to life can become a whole identity. Or, at least it’s easier and safer to put oneself out there as only one dimension. I understand the need to want to excuse yourself to the bathroom and never return, during some droning on about the same old subject. But what do I know, “My doctor tells me I have a communications disease!”

  2. that was me-not censorship.

    “I think sometimes humans are just one-dimensional and that one aspect to life can become a whole identity.”

    I like how Nicol puts it.

    I suppose if fat Elvis gags are challenging to my belief system then I suppose I have to say yes. They better be original material, and I will be checking.

    It just means there’s no time to waste. Take conversational risks like, “maybe the oil leak will turn out to be a good thing” just to work through the arguments.

  3. How about, “Maybe you’ll ride your bike,

    a lot,

    and get really, really fast.”

    Does that challenge your belief system? It challenges mine. 🙂

    For the record, that smiley face is teenager for “just joshing”. Now I’m denying my age, AND phoning it in. Check me out, I’m multitasking!

    All bs aside, I enjoy your new tack over here at the BRC, even though I always wind up leaving feeling a little guilty about half assing something.

    Jesus! Even my word verification is complicated!

  4. so…
    I guess I’ll see you at the coffee shop, annoying folks who just want a cup of coffee with such grand questions like “did you know sugar doesn’t increase excitability in children” as the second half of your 4 hour stint at the corner table begins.

  5. You know, in another lifetime I hope I was one of those old Italian dudes who spent his whole life sitting at a small table in the shade, nursing an espresso and waiting for someone (another old dude) to sit down and have a good conversation with. We’d talk about stuff like this, “That woman over there? She is hot.”
    “That’s your aunt, you idiot.”
    “Oh yeah. Well, I always thought she was hot.”
    I have no idea what I’m talking about here. I just had a vision and had to write it down.