Tallahassee lost a good guy, a dad, and an extraordinary cyclist to a car on Tram road. There are really no right words, but these are good.
It could have been any of us.
Tallahassee lost a good guy, a dad, and an extraordinary cyclist to a car on Tram road. There are really no right words, but these are good.
It could have been any of us.
There are no words to console a cycling community that has lost one of its members. I’m so sorry.
You know how I feel about cars. Losing someone is to become untethered from the earth for a moment in your life. It is too sad, it is too angry, it is too fucked up. I don’t know if this was your good friend or not but either way, you are both in my heart.
Yes. Everything May said.
To me he was a friendly face on a regular group ride and an animal on the bike. To a lot of my friends he was a mentor and a friend.
Dave, we’ll miss you dearly.
I wish we could do something. This is so bad on so many levels.
God damnit anyway. May got it right on this one.
Such a devastating loss. Dave was such an athlete and loving father. The biking community will be in a tail spin for a long time. I will not be able to look at my bike without thinking about Dave for many years. I can find no silver lining. But the world will go on it will just be a a lot duller without Dave.
Ray Mc