Dropping in

It sure has been nice to be back in the Bridge of the BRC. Drinking coffee of mine own making. I use 8 O’Clock Bean regular in the red bag, grind it myself, and then pour hot water from the tea kettle through the same plastic Melita cone I have used for years on camping trips. I drin it black, and usually float an ice cube in it to facilitate the slurping process.

For the next three days I can indulge myself with this routine, and then it is back in the car and away to Nashville, TN. I have a few guest submissions in the dugout and welcome whatever you have a mind to share. Please keep in mind that style often trumps substance so don’t pull a muscle or anything trying to get all deep. Of course, I think we all appreciate deep too.

After a week of David Blaining it (living in a hotel for four days and never coming out) I will roll towards Chatanooga for the 17th annual Cheaha but it ain’t Cheaha Camping Trip. This years finds us converging on the Ocoee River Valley for a week of riding singletrack, caving, staring at trees, and shmelting bottles in the fire. As usual, $100 goes to the shmelter who can create a functional ashtray with no cracks in it. Can’t be done I say!

So, more time away from home, the continued postponement of developing a conventional life, but the road calls- and I’m late for supper.


6 Responses to Dropping in

  1. My advice-skip Ruby Falls.
    Juancho- I dreamed the other night that you were a world-class antiques dealer.
    I’m sure that’s close to the truth.

  2. Style over substance? I’d expect a Juancho rant against such modern notions, not an endorsement.

    W.B. — you look good in title blue.

  3. “Whoa,” as Jeff Spikoli sez, “Dude, is that roller-coaster legal?” I wanna try. Kick-ass. Here’s another kick-ass trilogy.

    Don’t let Bush/Cheney receive a ‘coup d’etat’:
    exit the mundane, experience the insane!!

    Check-out my extreme,
    kick-ass trilogy…
    and buy one of my novels
    (my photo on the back cover of REDUNDANT):

    –> stores.lulu.com/fido
    If we don’t meet here,
    I’ll see you in God’s Great Beyond, won’t I?
    God bless you.